My Bio is walking on Cloud
I started using cloud technology long before I realised it. This probably holds true for a lot of people. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and a bunch of other common social networks we are familiar with have all moved to the cloud. That tells me anyone who uses email, or another app from these providers is already making use of cloud technology and so am I!
To add to the issue of speed mentioned in the team 8 bio, if however that cloud is supposed to create a more robust and scalable platform but the new Yahoo mail platform lives true to the issue of speed, it seems to chug along and is always crashing. L That is one cloud speed experience I have apart from Facebook that keeps hanging each time I try to surf through photos!
I must say however that though the speed may need more to be desired, these apps have really shown scalability. I do like the new platforms in terms of enabling more to be done with them.
Posted in: Week 08: Files in the Cloud
jenaca 1:58 am on October 28, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi there, I also didn’t realize I was using cloud technology before this class. I think you are right that most people don’t even realize they are using different kinds of “clouds’ to hold and store information.
hall 3:49 am on October 29, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Jenaca and ifeoma,
I have being using cloud technology long before I realized that I was using this technology. I was not until in January of this year that I realized that I was using a technology known as cloud technology. Therefore I concur with you that “most people don’t even realize they are using different kinds of “clouds’ to hold and store information.”